Saturday, 7 December 2019

PHOTO: Lamin Jobarteh (Photo Credit TRRC)

Abducted at 16 Traumatized Victim Branded wizard

By Ousman A. Marong

Lamin Jobarteh, a survivor victim of former president Yahya Jammeh’s witch-hunting exercise was abducted at the age of 16 and was branded a wizard.

Traumatized Lamin appeared before the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparation Commission (TRRC) during the commissions' community hearings about the dehumanizing treatment meted out to innocent people in 2009 when hallucinogenic concoction was given to many in the name of hunting for witches and wizards in the country.

The 26-year-old said he is a native of Aljamdu village in Upper Nuimi District. He said he was aspiring in becoming a lawyer upon completing his schooling. 

His aspiration in becoming a lawyer shattered at a time he was abducted and branded as a wizard by former President Yahya Jammeh's witch-hunters.

He informed the commission that he was abducted in his home while laundering his school uniform.

He like many others before abduction were told are going to be cured by the witch-hunters.

Jobarteh, become a school dropout while in grade 9 due to social stigmatization.

In February 2009 the witch-hunters invaded Essau and Barra wherein they abducted many people including Jobarteh and took them away.

The 26-year-old explained how he was abducted and branded as a wizard.

“I was in junior secondary school in 2009. The witch-hunters appeared before me in my home while laundering my school uniform. They held my hand and placed it in the mirror and asked me to follow them. They said they were going to cure me,” he explained.

He made the pronouncement in Essau village, testifying before the commission in the maiden ongoing regional hearing.

“I was told by one of the Green Boys to wear better clothing because the place I was going to is cold. They stood outside and waited for me to go and change clothes. I was so terrified,” he remarked.

He said after changing his cloth, he came out and refused to follow them.

“They asked me to come with them and I insisted. One of the Green, Youths slapped me and I became more frightened and I began to follow them,” he asserted.

He said their yard owner in the person of Alagie Biji Sonko was also abducted.

He added that he was taken to the bus where he sat for some minutes waiting for the witch-hunters who were going round abducting people.

“I was afraid and I felt embarrassed. People were standing looking at us while branding us as witches and wizards, “said the witness.

He further informed the Commission that he was the youngest among those abducted in Essau.

He stated that they were temporary taken to Fort Bullen before finally been transported to Kololi.
“I was not happy. I was the youngest. I was been put in the midst of the elders and we were referred to witches and wizards. I was very sad and if I had the chance to escape I could have,” he said.

He said the witch-hunters called him upstairs and asked him to pay D500 for the medicine but when he indicated to them that he had no money on him, he was asked to join the queue to drink the concoction.

He stressed that he was being bathed by the witch-hunters and after bathing him he was again given the concoction to drink.

He alleged that the Green Boys together with some of the soldiers were beating the abducted for misbehaving after drinking the concoction.

He confirmed seeing soldiers with some Green Boys beating Alajie Biji Sonko.

He said his release came about after he speaks to his abductors about his intention of going back to school.

“My abductees ask me to give them D500 or else they won’t release me. I told him that I was a student and I have no money on me. I asked them to keep me as long as they could that I was not with money. I told them I was missing my class test,” said jorbateh.

“I found my mother crying. I was worried too what she might be talking to society about me. I was also worried too about how society was going to perceive me. My mother was worried and when I sat down, I also cried. I used to shout at night because of bad nightmares and dreams. I used to have a very painful headache. I couldn’t go to school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,” said the traumatized witness.

He said in his nightmares and dreams it appears as if he was under attack by red-red.

He said when he resumed school on the following Monday, his colleague students were pointing at him and referred to him as the wizard.

“I was not concentrating on my educations. After doing my exams I knew I was not going to make it. I was traumatized by the stigma of my colleague students. Witch-hunting exercise destroyed my educational career. anytime I flash-back on the incident I cry over it. I still have the nightmares. I still have the stress of my victimization,” he said.

He noted that his mother passed away and currently he is the breadwinner of the family through driving.

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